Inspiring Blogs

Here I would like to share my favorite websites and blogs and hope that these posts can also be an inspiration to you. I also added lists with some of my favorite articles.

Mark Manson (

Definitely my favorite blogger and probably my biggest inspiration to start my own blog! I enjoyed pretty much every single post. He started in the Pick Up Scene and later switched to self-development and relationships in general. Scientific, going deep and well argued.

Leo Babauta (

As the name indicates, this blog is a bit more spiritual about taking a step back, meditation and minimalism. Finding happiness in the moment and living a grateful compassionate life.

Gregory Ciotti (

"A Fresh Take on Creative Work, Productivity, Human Behavior and Habits"

Abstruse Goose (

Really cool, slightly nerdy cartoons

Barking Up The Wrong Tree (

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Single other Posts I recommend: